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Event 3: LASER: De-colonizing AI

On June 1st, 10a.m., I had the opportunity to attend the LASER: De-colonizing AI conference, a thought-provoking event led by distinguished experts including Professor Vensa, Karamjit Gill, Satinder Gill, Amir Baradaran, and Mashinka Hakopian. The event aimed to shed light on the relationship between AI and art, emphasizing the significance of decolonizing AI and its impact on humanity.  During the event, one presentation that particularly fascinated me was the introduction by Mashinka Hakopian, where she showcased an AI called Aican. Developed at the renowned Rutgers AI lab, Aican possesses the remarkable ability to replicate and produce art. However, it became apparent that Aican's understanding of art is limited due to its training on a dataset predominantly composed of images from the Western canon. Aican's judgment of whether something is art or not is confined within the framework of Western art, hindering its comprehension of art forms beyond this scope. Consequently, it

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